What people are saying.

“From our initial engagement, you put together a concise summary of the ideas discussed in our first encounter. As we progressed you altered the design to suit what I wanted, however still keeping in line with what you had in mind to improve functionality of each space......your approach and experience have met and exceeded my expectations.”

— Minh, Mt Keira

“Your concept of “timeless artisanal luxury” is perfect for the calibre of this renovation….A great response on this project Sue, from the clever solution for entering the penthouse from the garage to the 3D views with realistic backdrops to the section of the whole building.”

— Victoria, Manly

“...you committed to the project with a dedication to achieving your solid outcome. You’re a skilled designer and a super creative one too. You also have the technical skill with your drawings being completed to technical drawings standards.”

— Kristina, Retail

“great insight of workplace design and the future of equality and managing the stakeholders in an appropriate psychologically healthy environment.”

— Sophie, Workplace

“...clever, clever concept. Kelly and I were big fans of your concept and how it was derived. You sold it with confidence tying some nice loose themes together and it is edgy and unique.”

— Victoria, Hospitality

Interested in working with us for your next project?